



Helping Britain rehome
pre-loved football boots

From the Premier League to Primary schools, everyone can get involved in Football Rebooted. It’s free and easy to donate or claim football boots and for clubs, schools and organisations to become Football Rebooted Collection Points.

Join the network

Get a FREE Football Rebooted Box and start collecting and redistributing boots within your club, school or local community.

Collection points

Find your nearest Football Rebooted Collection Point where you can donate or claim good quality boots or astros.


“Everyone can get involved in Football Rebooted, so its environmental impact will be huge”

David James MBE
Former England Goalkeeper

“No one should ever miss out on playing football because they don’t have a pair of boots”

Courtney Sweetman-Kirk
Former Footballer & TV Pundit

Good for the planet and your pocket

For every pair of boots made, 30lbs of carbon emissions are produced. Keeping boots in circulation for longer not only reduces the number of boots needing to be made but keeps them out of landfill, reducing long-lasting plastic build up which further impacts the environment.

Saving one million football boots from landfill.

Can save 13,636 tonnes of carbon emissions.*

Which is the same as turning the energy off in one million homes for over a week.**

Spare boots at home? Every pair counts!

Donate boots.
Change lives.

Football is for all – and by making it free and easy for people to donate or claim spare boots, it means anyone can access a pair and get them back on the pitch! Boot donations are making a difference all over the UK, from saving families a fortune to helping to increase participation in football.

“Without Football Rebooted we wouldn’t have started a girl’s football team.”

Sam Smith — Coach

Mapledene Primary School, Birmingham

“We were able to provide Ukrainian refugees with their own boots – they were so amazingly grateful.”

The Pickwell Foundation

“Every school in the country should have a Football Rebooted box – it’s game changing.”

Sarah Mitcherson — Headteacher

Ridgeway Academy, Welwyn Garden City

“I regularly dive into our box to help out local players, our women’s walking football team and our disability players.”

Mel Regan — Coach

Braunton FC Ability, Devon

Got spare boots?
Need boots?

Our Supporters

*30 lbs of carbon emissions per pair of running shoes x 1 million pairs of boots rehomed / 2,200 lbs (in a tonne) = 13,636 tonnes of carbon saved.

​**Based on a medium-sized house. Per day, (7.94kWh x 0.207074kg) a medium-sized home generates 1.64kg of carbon emissions. 1.64kg is equivalent to 3.615 lbs. 30lbs (generated by manufacturing new boots) is equivalent to 13.6kg / 1.64 = 8.29 (days) of energy.